
“The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”~Judy Garland

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day after Easter....

Hey Peeps!

Well today has been so wonderful.....yep good as it gets. I am sitting here at work with my best Friend Rachel. We went over to visit her sister-in-law in the hospital. She had a beautiful baby Boy!! He was only 6 pounds 1 oz. The cutest thing in the nursery! We were also served tea with the tiniest cheesecake bits!

Now I am sitting here at work doing nothing, not even work! Hehehehehe. But that is ok tomorrow is a new day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


OMG!!!! I have touched heavens door......I had the most wonderful Strawberry cheesecake at the cheesecake factory today. I went with a friend from school and she had the Vanilla Bean option. :)

I am so busy running around trying to get all my school projects and papers done before next week comes! I do believe in all this rush I have lost a few freckles!! hehehe, ahhh nothing like a little inside joke!

Well I hope that each one of you has a great day and that you get done what you set out to do!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stuck in the mud or fast lane....

Hey my people, SO yes today I am going to ramble on about how busy my life is and what I have to do and blah blah blah... Some time I just feel like I am a turtle stopped to a mini cannon and I have no idea where I am going!!!! I hope I am not alone, there have to others out there that feel the same. Well today was almost a waste of my life, Rachel if you are reading this my statement does not not include our lunch together. I spent so much time trying to get all my materials and supplies together for class and then English was canceled, I ran over to Kinko's and got my next team projects research made only to then sit and wait in Lab for them to show up. To my horrific surprise they didn't even bother to let me know that they were not even planning on showing up!!!! Yes, so wonderful, moments of my life I will never get back! Well now that I have that off my chest I do feel a little bit better, its nothing that a little ice cream can't fix. Chat later!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Only Five More Weeks!!

I am very happy. Only five more weeks of school! Yes! Now all I have to do is get all of my school projects done and fast. Time to push the pedal to the medal! This week brings so many new challenges. I need to get my room back in order, write my speech and finish researching my English paper. Yeah, I think I need some diet coke or cheesecake to power me through!!! I have some news, yes my over noisy blog followers, some very important news! I have made up my mind and at the end of this year (2011) I shall graduate with my Associates degree in Interior Design and than begin classes to become Certified as a Kindergarden teacher. I know crazy right but I need to follow my heart and mix it up a bit. I will still practice interior design just not as a full time job. Example, In the summer when school is out. Well got to go! Chat later!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


OMG!!! The time has gotten away from me. With all the fun that has been going on I am left with mere moments at the end of the day. I have been been so crazy this week, shall I share........OH YES! First I have been working on a very important custom design project with two other wonderful ladies. We are designing a one of a kind "Book Table". It is a large open book made out of a solid 3- Form plastic that allows for the same kind of technology as a cricut. You can place a cartridge that holds a story into the "book" and the table will take you through any child adventure. SO yeah, lots of work! Then I have been knee deep with Jury Duty. Oh Yeah my good looking friends, downtown phx to the all so gorgeous court house. I was there almost all day on Wednesday. So many crazy moments, i shall narrow it down to only these quick facts. 1. Criminal Case 2. Murder (24 stab wounds) and A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER MIND BLOWING THINGS! I know, my freckle almost left me. But thankful at the very last min I was released from duty! (Finally, after 4 cuts!) Well that is all for now chat later my friends! But I am looking forward to this weekend. I will be babysitting a 2 year old boy, and maybe stopping for a moment for a quick nap! I don't really know but I bet it will be entrusting!