
“The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”~Judy Garland

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Days!~

I am soo happy to share with you my good news....I was approved for a grant to continue my schooling!!
This is wonderful...I am already soo busy with work and school it is hard for me to keep pulling extra hours to save up for the next year of school. Now all I have to do is focus on school, and end these last two semesters in style!!
I have been so busy with work this summer that I may have forgotten to take some time for myself. So last week I decided to make up for that and treat my self to a night out with the girls. After church on sunday I loaded up my car and we all went over to have some pizza. So wonderfully good! We laughed and joked around...it was a total blast! Then when I was at my last stop to drop off the girls we ended up jumping into her pool.....the water felt great. It was my first time all summer swimming....about time! Hehehe. But all in all it was good to go out and have some fun.

With school starting this Monday I am going to be a busy bee with all the last min details that have to be done.
First on Friday I have to go over to my jopb sight and finish the Bathroom Remodel that I have been working on. I have to finish painting, accessorizing and all of the last min details! Well that is all for now! Chat soon, Me.